Cheese kcal per 100 g. Calorie content of different types of cheese (from Adyghe to brie)

Cheese kcal per 100 g. Calorie content of different types of cheese (from Adyghe to brie)

If you are a raw addict trying to lose weight, you will most likely find it helpful to know how many calories are in cheese. You will also learn about the health and weight loss benefits of the product, read about the cheese diet and its features.

Many people love cheese. It is used to prepare various dishes, and just a bite with tea or coffee. Do you know that this delicacy helps to lose weight? With it, you can say goodbye to extra pounds and even improve your body.


To cook 450 g of product, 4.5 liters are needed. milk. The concentration of nutrients in cheese is “off scale”. The product, in particular, is rich in the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, D, K, C, E;
  • vitamins B6 and B12;
  • vitamin B1, B3, B7 and B5 (better known as pantothenic acid);
  • folate (vitamin B complex);
  • calcium;
  • riboflavin;
  • zinc and copper;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3 and Omega-9.

Cheese is a great source of protein. For example, a large slice of Cheddar (30 g) contains 6.7 g of protein. You get the same amount of protein by drinking a cup of milk.

Benefit for health

  1. First of all, the product is good for the teeth. After all, it contains a large amount of calcium and a small amount of lactose. Scientists have found that regular consumption of cheese reduces the risk of plaque. It promotes the deposition of phosphorus and calcium in the teeth, which in itself contributes to the strength of the tooth enamel. A high-quality protein called casein forms a protective film on the surface of our teeth that protects our teeth from damage.
  2. The use of this product is excellent in cancer prevention. It contains linoleic acid and sphingolipids. These substances protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin B is also responsible for reducing the risk of developing cancer. Regular consumption of cheese improves the functioning of the body and helps to avoid neoplasms in the ovarian and prostate areas.
  3. The product is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, therefore its regular consumption improves the functioning of the body's immune system.
  4. Cheese contains an amino acid called tryptophan. It helps to get rid of stress, improves sleep.
  5. Children, pregnant women, and the elderly should eat cheese regularly. Calcium and B vitamins are essential for the formation and strengthening of cartilage and bones. And the auxiliary substances, a considerable dose of which are contained in the product, contribute to the better absorption of calcium.
  6. With osteoporosis, it is not enough to consume calcium (after all, it is poorly absorbed without accompanying components). You need protein and a whole range of vitamins, which the product is enriched with. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to cheese for children with insufficient body weight, as well as women after menopause.
  7. If you suffer from migraines, then you need to include cheese in your diet. Calcium has been shown to help relieve severe headaches.
  8. Recently, it became known that the beneficial substances contained in dairy products help women around the world to better tolerate PMS.
  9. Cheese should be consumed regularly by pregnant women. Scientists, along with doctors, believe that protein, calcium and B vitamins are essential for expectant mothers to give birth to healthy and strong babies.
  10. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in the product reduce the risk of diabetes.
  11. Cheese is no less useful for people who go in for sports. A significant amount of protein allows the body to recover faster after intense training. Phosphorus reduces muscle pain.
  12. Scientists have proven that eating cheese improves heart function. Although it is not contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, 15-25 g of cheese a day, they should choose a product with a low salt content. This will help avoid surges in blood pressure. A cheese diet for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system should be based on the use of Feta, Mozzarella and Ricotta.

The substances contained in this product help to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin. I would like to debunk the myth that cheese should not be eaten if you have skin problems. This is the opinion of many, since it contains a considerable amount of fat. However, B vitamins contribute to the regeneration of the dermis, its natural radiance and a healthy complexion. Given this fact, it is no surprise that the wine and cheese diet is so popular with Italian and French beauties.

The benefits of cheese for weight loss

  • Regular consumption leads to fat burning.
  • Milk fats activate metabolism.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you should give up the use of Dutch, Kostroma, Smetankovy (the calorie content of which is 340-360 kcal per 100 g). Also, goat cheese containing 364 kcal is contraindicated on a diet.

Choose instead:

  • Mozzarella cheese (280 kcal per 100 g).
  • Gouda 7% (the calorie content of Gouda cheese is 200 units). Camembert has the same nutritional value.
  • Feta and feta cheese.
  • Ricotta (since it is made from whey and its fat content is very low - from 8 to 24%). The calorie content of Ricotta cheese per 100 g is 174 kcal.
  • Tofu (76 kcal).

Although Pigtail and Chechil (whose calorie content is 313 units) are recommended as low-fat foods, you should be careful with them. They contain a considerable amount of salt and hot spices, which can cause a burning appetite and cause water retention in the body. The same applies to Suluguni (290 kcal).

Features of the cheese menu for weight loss

The French diet is ideal for gourmets who cannot live a day without this aromatic delicacy with a pronounced taste. Diet "10 cheeses" belongs to the category of protein, therefore it is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Cheese diet for weight loss involves drinking a lot of water. In addition to juices, tea and coffee, you must drink at least 2 liters. clean water per day.

The diet menu is oversaturated with protein (in the form of meat, cheese, milk) and very scarce in vegetables and carbohydrates. But carbohydrates give us vital energy, so you cannot exclude them from the diet. Although the creators of the diet recommend sticking to it for 5-7 days, we recommend limiting it to 3 days.

Cooking tricks for cheese lovers

If you can't imagine a breakfast without a sandwich or a snack without a salad, but are worried about the calorie content of your favorite food, we offer several options on how to reduce their harm to your figure.

  • Do you love mayonnaise sandwiches? Did you know that a spoonful of mayonnaise is 94 kcal. and as much as 10 grams of fat ?! For those wishing to lose weight, we recommend smearing the toast with cream cheese. For example, Mozzarella cheese, the calorie content of a spoon of which is equal to 30 g, contains only 2.5 g of fat.
  • You can reduce the calorie content of a sandwich with butter and cheese if you replace Russian cheese with a product marked "Fitness".
  • Fruit salad dressed with sour cream is a delicious dessert similar to yogurt. But in 30 g of this fermented milk sauce contains 110 kcal. and 11 g of fat. Nutritionists recommend filling the fruit mix completely with Ricotta or 50/50 with sour cream. Ricotta contains 39 kcal. and 2 g of fat. Also, spread cheese can be used for stuffing bell peppers and eggs.
  • But for cooking spaghetti or baked dishes, it is better to use the classic version - Parmesan. The calorie content of Parmesan cheese is 431 kcal, but that's okay. After all, it has a richer taste and aroma, so it should be added to dishes in small quantities.
  • The taste of vegetable salads should be enriched with feta cheese or feta. These cheeses will not hurt your figure at all. The calorie content of feta cheese and feta cheese is 260 kcal.


It's hard to imagine that this irreplaceable product can harm anyone. However, doctors advise caution when dealing with moldy cheeses that contain bacteria. They can contribute to the development of listeriosis. This is especially true for women in position and during the lactation period.

Experts recommend eating no more than two servings of cheese a day. Eating too much of it in rare cases can cause very severe headaches and sleep disturbances. This is due to the content of tryptophan in the product (an amino acid that our body does not produce).


Some people with lactose intolerance feel that they should not eat cheese. In fact, compared to other dairy products, cheese contains too little lactose. Therefore, the product can be safely consumed regularly in small quantities.

It is believed that eating a lot of cheese leads to constipation. But there is absolutely no scientific evidence about its effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To lose weight, you don't have to eat only low-fat varieties. For example, although the calorie content of Russian cheese is 363 units per 100 g, you can eat it. But at the same time, it is necessary to regularly calculate the calorie content of the diet in order to maintain a calorie deficit.

Calorie table of cheeses

Here is a table showing the calorie content of the most popular cheese varieties:

Name Calories per 100 g.
Adyghe 240
Bree 291
Goat cheese 271
Cheese made from cow's milk 260
Sheep cheese 298
Bukovinsky 361
Viola 305
Gouda 356
Dutch 352
Gruyere 395
Home 113
Dor blue 354
Camembert 290
Sausage 271
Smoked 270
Maasdam 350
Mozzarella 240
Oltermann 270
Poshekhonsky 350
Baltic 309
Roquefort 337
Russian 363
Creamy Cremette 270
Suluguni 290
Hard parmesan 369
Tilsiter 334
Feta 215
Fetaki 219
Fetaxa 261
Cheddar 392
Swiss 396
Estonian 350
Yaroslavsky 350

Habitat: cheese or not (video)

If you eat right and dream of losing weight, you don't have to give up eating treats. Of course, it is important to observe the measure and choose dietary varieties of cheese. And then your weight loss process will be enjoyable. After all, you do not have to give up your favorite product for a slender waist.

Hard cheese is tasty, but fatty enough. People who are watching their weight should limit the amount of the ingredient in the diet. The calorie content of Russian cheese averages 350 kcal per 100 grams. But rates may vary depending on the manufacturer.

The product named "Russian" 50% fat is well absorbed by the body due to the presence of milk fat in the composition. The complex of nutrients will help improve health and prevent a number of diseases.

The ingredient is a semi-solid rennet, which is made from pasteurized cow's milk, lactic acid bacteria starter culture and rennet. The product has a yellow color, many small eyes are visible when cut. The taste is slightly sour, pronounced. According to GOST, the fat content of this sample is 50%. Deviation up or down by 1.6% is allowed.

In Russia, the ingredient is produced by several enterprises. It is noteworthy that the brand - "Russian cheese" - does not have a copyright holder. The product is also manufactured in Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.

Energy value

Russian cheese of 50% fat can bring into the body from 335 kcal (TM "Uglich") to 360 kcal (TM "Dobryana") per 100 grams of product. There are variations with a similar fat content, but their calorific value is within the specified range.

There are also samples, the calorie content of which reaches 364 kcal per 100 grams, but we do not know the manufacturer of these products. Of this mass, 29.5 g are fats, 23.2 g - proteins.

Manufacturers sometimes deviate from the established norms and prepare Russian cheese with a fat content of 45%. Its energy value is 497 kcal per 100 grams of product. If you eat this amount, you will receive 24% of the energy of the daily value (based on a standard value of 2000 kcal). For the same fat content, some resources give indicators of 228 kcal per 100 grams.

As you can see, the values ​​are quite different. To find out the exact information, look at the packaging, where the manufacturer indicates specific information. We recommend focusing on the numbers 360-364 kcal per 100 grams, because such an energy value should be found in Russian cheese prepared according to standardized technologies.

Beneficial features

Almost a third of the product is healthy protein, which is indispensable in a vegetarian menu. The lack of carbohydrates attracts many who are looking at the balance of saccharides. Russian cheese contains a large amount of minerals (phosphorus, calcium, zinc, copper, sodium, potassium) and vitamins (A, B6, B9, B12, C, PP).

The product will bring maximum benefit to people suffering from the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • anemia;
  • hepatitis;
  • ailments of the joints.

The components of cheese are involved in the formation of red blood cells, regulate the liver, are a building material for muscle tissue, have a positive effect on hormones and help to increase immunity.


Overweight people should be very careful to consume Russian cheese - do not exceed the permissible norm. It is not recommended to eat the product for gastritis, hypertension and acidity disorders.

The ingredients in cheese have a diuretic effect, so the ingredient should be limited to patients with urolithiasis or pyelonephritis.

Russian cheese has been widely known since Soviet times and is in great consumer demand. This is due to the pleasant, traditional creamy cheese taste of the product. Its taste is liked by a wide range of tasters, and besides, the cheese has a relatively affordable price compared to other varieties.

How many calories are in the product?

Russian cheese is based on pasteurized milk. As a result, in the finished product, the percentage of fat can be 50 or 45%. The difference between them lies in the energy value - the amount of kcal in a piece of 50% is 363.5, while the analogue of 45% fat has 338 kcal per 100 grams of product.

A piece of cheese (100 g) with a fat content of 45% does not contain carbohydrates, 28.5 g of the composition is occupied by fats, the remaining 22.5 g are proteins.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

As already mentioned, the basis of the composition of the BJU of the Russian product is fats, represented by fatty polyunsaturated and unsaturated acids. Slightly inferior in content to proteins. They have an easily digestible form. Carbohydrates are contained in very modest amounts (0.55 g) and are represented by lactose and glucose.

Milk fat is represented to a greater extent by unsaturated fatty acids, although there are both mono- and polyunsaturated acids.

Due to its high protein content, this product can be recommended for weight athletes, as well as those who lack the daily protein requirement (1.5-2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight). At the same time, proteins in cheese are referred to as so-called complete proteins - containing all the necessary amino acids.

The benefits and harms of losing weight

A big mistake is a complete rejection of cheese during the diet due to its high calorie content. Like any product, Russian cheese should be considered from the point of view of the richness of its composition, given the benefits it brings to the body. And this product brings a lot of it.

First, it is a source of calcium and protein. The latter in cheese is similar to protein from fermented milk products. It is this protein that is almost completely absorbed by the body, in contrast to its analogue from milk. Protein is essential for building muscle tissue and maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

Cheeses with a fat content of 17-25% are considered allowed for admission during the diet. Of course, the fat percentage of the Russian product is higher. In this regard, the amount of its consumption should be reduced.

Secondly, this type of cheese has a high content of amino acids, including those not produced by the body (for example, tryptophan, lysine), but coming exclusively with food. They are necessary for the vital activity of all organs and systems, for the intensive course of metabolic processes and lipid metabolism.

Finally, vitamin E is high in the product, which is considered a natural antioxidant that removes toxins from the body. This vitamin is also called the "beauty vitamin" because it slows down the aging process of cells, helps to maintain skin tone, skin and hair health.

In an effort to lose weight, some women almost completely abandon fat, considering them the main enemies of a slender figure. However, fats in certain quantities are necessary, especially for the female body. Their deficiency primarily "hits" the reproductive system - the level of sex hormones decreases, menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, and problems with conception are observed. In a negative way, the lack of fat affects the condition of the skin, nails, hair.

Russian cheese contains saturated fatty acids, as well as Omega-6 and 9. When broken down, they provide the body with energy, promote fat burning (by activating metabolism) and muscle growth.

People with high blood cholesterol can feel the harm from eating cheese, because the product contains beef fat. It is one of the heaviest fats, so it will make the situation worse. In addition, this component, with excessive consumption of the product, can cause difficulties with digestion, constipation.

Russian cheese contains not only vitamin E, but also vitamins A, C, group B, and in addition, it boasts a wealth of mineral composition. All this allows us to speak about the tonic, immuno-strengthening effect of the product. Even a small amount of it can make up for the lack of nutritional components in the body, the deficiency of which is often observed when dieting.

Russian cheese is the champion among the "brothers" in phosphorus content. The latter improves cerebral circulation, thereby improving intellectual activity. In combination with calcium, it participates in the process of strengthening bones and teeth. In addition, he takes part in metabolic cellular processes, affects the functioning of almost all organs.

Cheese should be discarded in case of liver, gall bladder and biliary tract diseases. This product is not a suitable option for exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis).

It is forbidden to eat it if you are allergic to any component of the product, as well as lactose intolerance. The latter is found in Russian cheese.

As with any product, cheese should be eaten in small quantities. Otherwise, digestive problems are possible, an excess of vitamin B, amino acids and sodium (all of which are present in the product) can lead to increased blood pressure, insomnia.

Diet intake

Because of its high calorie and fat content, cheese is best paired with fresh vegetables and herbs. They act as fiber and will not reduce intestinal motility. As a result, the cheese will be digested as fully and quickly as possible, and all unnecessary elements will be removed from the body.

High nutritional value imposes certain limits on its use. It is recommended to do this in the morning, preferably for breakfast, although dishes with cheese will not harm the body at lunchtime. The main thing is to enter it into the KBZHU.

Usually, the daily dosage of the product is 20-25 g, it should not be consumed every day, but 2-3 times a week. You should not eat cheese before meals, it will stimulate your appetite. Better to take it as a snack, combined with vegetables. You can serve a cheese salad before a meal: by increasing the appetite, cheese will have a stimulating effect on the stomach, preparing it and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract to digest food. In this case, the salad should be followed by the first and / or second course.

The calorie content of Russian cheese is 45% fat per 100 grams 355 kcal. 100 g of dairy product contains:

  • 22.5 g protein;
  • 28.5 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

For the preparation of Russian 45% cheese, the following ingredients are used:

  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • pasteurized medium fat milk;
  • leaven;
  • salt;
  • enzyme preparation providing curdling of cheese.

The calorie content of Russian cheese is 50% fat per 100 grams 362 kcal. 100 g of product:

  • 23.3 g protein;
  • 28.9 g fat;
  • 0.5 g of carbohydrates.

Russian cheese 50% fat has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The dairy product contains many vitamins B6, B9, B12, A, PP, ascorbic acid, minerals of zinc, calcium, phosphorus.

Calorie content of hard Russian Como cheese per 100 grams

The calorie content of hard Russian cheese made by Como per 100 grams is 360.9 kcal. A 100 gram serving of cheese contains:

  • 26.3 g protein;
  • 28.5 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

The benefits of Russian cheese

Despite the high fat and calorie content, nutritionists do not recommend completely excluding hard Russian cheese from the diet. The following benefits of this product have been proven:

  • Russian cheese is saturated with milk fat, which restores the energy balance in the body, is absorbed quickly enough;
  • B vitamins of the product are useful for the prevention of hepatitis and anemia;
  • cheese is enriched with calcium, which is important for maintaining the health of the skeletal system, hair, nails;
  • according to Finnish scientists, hard cheese contains many probiotics that slow down the aging process of the immune system;
  • a dairy product increases resistance to stress, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • hard cheese with the addition of non-animal enzyme preparations is an excellent alternative to meat for vegetarianism. This product will completely compensate for the lack of proteins in the body.

The harm of Russian cheese

Let's list the harm of hard Russian cheese:

  • due to the high fat content and calorie content, the product is contraindicated for weight loss and excess weight;
  • hard cheese will have to be abandoned in case of exacerbations of diseases of the gallbladder, biliary system, liver;
  • overeating cheese leads to malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • the product is saturated with amino acids, with an excess of which there are headaches, insomnia, blood pressure rises;
  • you should completely abandon hard cheese with high cholesterol levels. In this case, cheeses with a fat content of no more than 20% are shown;
  • hard cheese is excluded from the diet for ulcers;
  • Vegetarians should read the composition of the product very carefully. In the manufacture of most types of such products, enzyme preparations of animal origin are used.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Russian cheese belongs to semi-hard rennet cheeses, made from pasteurized cow's milk of the highest quality. In the process of making cheese, sourdough, rennet and sometimes a natural dye - annatto extract - are added to milk if cheese is produced during the cold season, when cows cannot get grass and dandelions for the natural color of milk. Russian cheese is produced in the form of low cylinders or rectangular bars weighing from 8 to 18 kg.

Russian cheese has a uniform light yellow color, medium hardness, dense and plastic structure, the cheese is well cut, without the appearance of "pellets" and does not stick to the knife. The taste of Russian cheese is slightly sour, creamy, with a bright aroma. An openwork pattern of heterogeneous eyes is located throughout the cheese. There is a dense crust on the head of the cheese, on which interlacing of threads is sometimes visible, this is a sign that the cheese was laid out on linen.

Calorie content of Russian cheese

The calorie content of Russian cheese is 363 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition and useful properties of Russian cheese

The product contains: pasteurized cow, rennet. Russian cheese contains vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for the body:,. Russian cheese is useful for children and adults, its use helps to strengthen bones and teeth, stimulates the normal activity of the heart muscle (calorizator). The product contains a sufficient amount of high-quality protein, which is needed for the construction of cells in all systems of the human body.

The harm of Russian cheese

It should not be forgotten that Russian cheese contains beef fat, which is hard and one of the heaviest, so those who have high blood cholesterol levels should eat Russian cheese in a small amount. With excessive use of the product, problems with the digestive system are possible - heaviness in the stomach, constipation.

When purchasing Russian cheese, you should pay attention to the cut of the product, it should have been smooth, even, without droplets of liquid (tears), cracks and crumbs. The slit eyes have an irregular shape and penetrate all the cheese, if they are concentrated in one place, it means that the cheese was produced with violations of technology. The slipperiness of the surface and uneven color are not allowed, if the cheese crumbles, this is a sign of unripeness.

Store Russian cheese in the refrigerator, if it is in a vacuum package, then the shelf life is three months, open or bought a piece of cheese is stored no longer than seven days in a special cheese pan or in a glass / plastic container.

Russian cheese in cooking

Russian cheese is a versatile product, suitable for independent use as a snack or snack, ideal for sandwiches and canapes, melts well and therefore is suitable for making hot sandwiches, julienne, pizza, pasta, baked vegetables, meat and poultry. Cheese is added to salads with canned beans and croutons, fried in breading and batter.

For more information about Russian cheese and its production, see the video "Russian cheese" on the TV program "Goods Expertise".

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