How to choose a cream for "Napoleon". Custard for Napoleon recipe with photo The best custard for Napoleon

Which cream to choose

I remember from childhood the amazing taste of homemade cake "Napoleon", which was prepared by my mother. She made it with condensed milk, and with custard, and with puff cakes, and with ordinary ones, and in the oven, and in a frying pan. The cake was the most beloved and revered in our family, which is why it was transferred by itself into our adult life. Then I experimented with all the options, some turned out to be dryish and dense, some tender and melting in the mouth, even the snack "Napoleon" with a spicy filling of cheese, nuts and mushrooms was made - also spicy and tasty!

In general, this cake is a win-win option that your guests and household will always like, you just need to choose the most suitable recipe for you. Or you can experiment, and each time you get a new, interesting taste. Today we will consider several options for making homemade Napoleon cake - with ordinary cakes, with puff pastry according to an old recipe, with custard, with condensed milk and with one more special cream in milk. Dare, and you will succeed!

Cake "Napoleon" classic, with three types of cream

The recipe will offer three types of cream, since one of them is cooked quickly, the second is longer, and the third is more complex. But they are all very tasty with a slight difference, which will take extra time. But do not think that the taste of the cake depends only on the cream. The thickness of the cakes and the proportional component in them are also of great importance. It is not for nothing that even the most expensive ready-made cakes that are sold cannot replace the real taste of homemade cakes. So, the Napoleon cake step by step, we cook together. First, let's deal with the cakes, this is the basis of the cake.

Cake layers "Napoleon"

For cakes, we need to prepare:

  1. 0.5 cups of water;
  2. 1 chicken yolk;
  3. 1 spoon of vinegar (9%);
  4. 375 grams of margarine;
  5. 2.5 st. flour.

Let's start by mixing water, yolk and vinegar in a container. Then, in a separate basin or bowl, you need to cut the margarine, add flour, knead it all well with your hands.

From the first container, pour the liquid mixture into the second container. We mix.

The dough should lag behind the hands, but not be very tight. We divide it into equal parts-balls, like large cutlets. We put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, which helps the dough to roll out easier.

Roll out, carefully lay out on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes each in an already preheated oven (170 degrees).

You also need to carefully pull out the cakes, since they are quite fragile. Put them in a pile and let cool. By the way, I often bake cakes in a dry frying pan - it also turns out delicious.

The cakes need to be cut off, and the remaining crumbs should be crushed (you can use a blender), we will coat the cake with it. So, the cakes are ready, let them cool, proceed to the preparation of the cream.

Simple cream for Napoleon cake: with condensed milk

For him you need to take:

  1. 1 jar of condensed milk
  2. 0.5 packs of butter
  3. 200 g sour cream

Take condensed milk either already boiled, or put ordinary condensed milk in a saucepan with water on a slow fire and cook it for 1 hour. Then soften the butter, add condensed milk and sour cream to it, mix everything, and the cream is ready.

Cream recipe for Napoleon cake: custard

  1. 600 ml of milk;
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  3. 2 eggs;
  4. 1 st. Sahara;
  5. a sachet of vanillin;
  6. 50 grams of butter.

First, boil milk (0.5 l.). At this time, in 0.1 l. milk dissolve flour, yolks separated from proteins, sugar, vanillin. Whisk well, then add in a thin stream to the boiling milk. Bring to a boil again, throw in the butter, separately beaten egg whites. Bring everything back to a boil.

Let the mass cool, beat it well with a mixer so that there is a homogeneous mass without lumps, spread on the cakes with a plentiful layer.

The most delicious cream for Napoleon

  1. four yolks (in extreme cases, two eggs);
  2. 1.5 cups of sugar;
  3. two st. spoons of flour with a slide;
  4. 800 ml of milk;
  5. one packet of vanillin;
  6. 200 g butter.

Beat egg yolks well, add 0.5 tbsp. sugar, flour and a little milk to mix it all up, and there were no lumps (about 100 ml.).

Separately boil 700 ml. milk. Pour the prepared mixture into boiling milk, bring to a boil. Next, you need to cool the cream. It should not be liquid, but it does not need to be made very thick either. Add vanillin.

Separately grind 1 cup of sugar with butter. And gradually mix everything into one complex cream. If necessary, bring to the desired state with a mixer. This cream is obtained with mother-of-pearl tints - very tasty and beautiful. We grease them with our cakes. We put them one on top of the other. It is better to put the cake under a light press for a couple of hours so that all the cakes are well saturated with cream, and then we make crumbs from the scraps of the cakes and sprinkle the cake with them.

"Napoleon" according to an old recipe of puff pastry with custard

The Napoleon cake was presented to the judgment of the Russian aristocracy at the anniversary celebration. Moscow was then celebrating the centenary of the victory of the Russian army in the Patriotic War of 1812. The confectioners made the cake triangular, like the headdress of a French commander. Hence its name. True, this form turned out to be uncomfortable and did not take root, unlike the cake itself. His sweet tooth was appreciated. Delicate dessert and today will not leave anyone indifferent. So, Napoleon cake made of puff pastry with custard, a very tasty recipe.

Puff pastry cakes

Softened butter (not margarine!) is rubbed with a tablespoon of milk and a third teaspoon without a hill of salt. Take 350 g of butter. Add 2 cups of wheat flour to it. The dough is kneaded until it becomes elastic and homogeneous. Then they are formed in the form of a bar, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for an hour.
The chilled dough is placed on a floured table and rolled out with a rolling pin. The result should be a rectangular layer, about one centimeter thick. It is folded in half twice. The resulting quarter is again rolled out and folded, as for the first time. Puff pastry is ready.

Now a thin plate (4-5 mm) is obtained from it, of course, using a rolling pin. A finished layer is wound onto it in order to carefully unfold it on a sheet. It is not necessary to smear the baking sheet with oil, it is enough to moisten its edges with water. So the cakes are not deformed during baking, which takes place at a temperature of 200-220 degrees. By the way, the oven should be preheated in advance. And cut the dough plate into two equal parts and prick in several places with a knife.
The cakes will be ready in about 40 minutes or a little earlier. They are transferred from the sheet to the board and covered with a kitchen towel. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream for the cake.


In a small saucepan put 4 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of starch, break 3 eggs, pour one glass of drinking cream (milk). The products are thoroughly mixed. Place the saucepan over low heat and heat until the mixture thickens. It must be constantly stirred so that lumps do not form. Do not boil the mixture! If desired, the taste of custard can be made vanilla by putting a pinch of vanilla sugar in it. Or chocolate, if during cooking add grated chocolate (70 g) or a couple of tablespoons of cocoa. Some people like cream with liqueur or cognac (1 tablespoon). Everyone's preferences are different.

Cake decoration

In warm cakes, uneven edges are cut so that they are the same. It is better to do this by placing a plate on top. After that, let it cool completely. To make the cake beautiful and even, it is better to immediately lay out the cakes in a detachable form, lubricate it there, and then remove the form - and the cake turns out wonderful, the cakes do not move to the sides - the ideal shape is guaranteed!

Then one of them is spread with custard and covered with a second cake.

Cream is also smeared on the top and sides of the cake. The samples that were obtained when leveling the cakes are chopped with a knife into small crumbs. She is sprinkled with cake in all directions.

An amazing cake, consisting of puff cakes, abundantly soaked in the most delicate creamy mass, literally melts in your mouth. The secret of the most delicious dish lies precisely in the skillfully made cream, which can be prepared in many ways. The traditional recipe involves the use of delicate custard with hot milk, sugar, eggs and butter.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

To give it airiness, cream or sour cream is added, for a variety of taste - walnuts, almonds, lemon and orange zest, fresh and canned fruits, berries, cocoa, black and white chocolate, Baileys cream liqueur, Italian Mascarpone cheese. In order for the cake to be well soaked, the cakes are smeared with a warm creamy base 5-6 hours before serving. Uneven edges are cut off, the resulting crumb is crushed and sprinkled over the top of the confectionery. Housewives also use other recipes for creams for the Napoleon cake, for example, with cottage cheese or ordinary condensed milk - quickly and tasty.

  • Sugar sand 1 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken eggs 1 pc.
  • Butter 200-250 g
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Cooking

    Why doesn't custard thicken? So, you did something wrong and your cream turned out to be liquid. Solving this problem is very simple: you need to thicken it with flour or starch. But in this case, you need to act carefully and not overdo it.

    • We will prepare all the necessary ingredients that we will need in the process of preparing the cream.

    • How to make custard? First, put half a liter of milk on the fire and almost bring it to a boil. If you use 1 liter of milk, then keep in mind that the rest of the ingredients should be twice as much. If you want to prepare a cream without milk, then instead of it you can use plain water or coffee, juice, tea, compote.

    • We take an aluminum container and beat sugar, egg and flour in it. Pour in the vanilla here. If desired, you can make a cream without eggs.

    • Then you will need to add a glass of cool milk to the resulting liquid and beat the mass again. It is desirable to prevent the flour from settling to the bottom.

    • When our milk on the fire has almost reached the boiling point, we begin to pour the previously prepared liquid into it. Take your time and pour it in a thin stream, while constantly stirring the milk. Then bring the resulting cream to a boil. As a result, we get a gentle custard, without lumps or foam. After that, it will need to be cooled to room temperature.

    • Now it's time to add butter. In our case, its percentage is eighty-two. If your oil is seventy-two percent fat, then more will be needed. If desired, you can make a cream without oil. It is desirable that it softens while the custard is cooling. The butter custard we are preparing is an emulsion. In order for emulsification to be successful, it is desirable to adhere to one main rule: the temperature of all ingredients must be the same.

    • Before adding the oil to the prepared mass, it is recommended to beat it in advance until fluffy. To do this, gradually increase the speed on the mixer.

    • Gradually add the whipped butter to the custard, as shown in the photo.

    • How long to cook custard? Let's focus on appearance. As a result, we will get a full bowl of delicate creamy mass. Here is the recipe with photos! Now our classic custard for "Napoleon" rev. As you can see, preparing such a dessert is not so difficult. It remains only to grease the cakes with a light cream and we will get the perfect, delicious dessert. Bon Appetit!

    KBJU and composition for the whole dish

    Cake "Napoleon" - a dessert that many have known since childhood. In many families, it was an obligatory delicacy for the holiday, thanks to which its recipe was passed from mother to daughter. But sometimes you want to deviate from the traditional performance and try something new. Knowing that cakes are the key to a good cake, you can leave the recipe that has been tried for years and start experimenting with cream. By preparing cream for Napoleon according to different recipes, you can radically change the familiar, familiar taste of this dessert. I offer some of the most popular cream options that do not require special ingredients and skills.

    Classic cake "Napoleon" (custard)

    Ingredients. For the dough: flour (5 cups), milk (1 cup), creamy margarine (250 gr), one egg, salt. For the cream: milk (1.5 liters), flour (1.5 cups), sugar (2.5 cups), butter (150 g), eggs (2 pcs).

    Cooking. Korzhi. Sift flour on the table, cut margarine into small pieces, rub everything thoroughly with your hands to get a homogeneous mass. We form a hill from the resulting mass with a recess in the middle, gradually pour milk into this recess, previously mixed with an egg and salted. Mix everything very well, the dough should be homogeneous, smooth, without lumps. We divide the finished dough into portions. One serving is one cake. We roll portioned pieces into balls and put them in the refrigerator for several hours. We take out, roll out the chilled dough balls into thin layers, which we put on a baking sheet, pierce with a knife or fork in several places and bake each for 5 minutes at 200 degrees.

    For "Napoleon"

    We take milk and share it equally. Beat one half with flour (add it in small portions about a spoonful). Put the other half on fire and boil. As soon as the milk boils, pour it into the half that was beaten with flour, mix well and put the resulting mass on fire. While the pan with the cream is on fire, it must be constantly stirred. It is necessary to cook the cream for as long as possible - this will improve its taste. Before removing from heat, add beaten eggs, butter and sugar. Don't forget to stir constantly.

    When the cakes and cream have cooled, we smear the cake, sprinkle crumbs from the cakes on top and leave to soak for several hours.

    Cream for "Napoleon" - "Chantilly"

    Ingredients: heavy cream (30%), sugar, vanillin.

    Whisk cream and sugar until smooth. At the end of whipping, add a little vanilla. If you want to get a not so fat cream, then you need to add a little to 30% cream. Use cream of lower fat content is not recommended, as they will whip poorly. Walnuts will be perfectly combined with such a cream - after smearing the cake, sprinkle with ground walnuts on top.

    Cream for "Napoleon" with condensed milk

    Ingredients: condensed milk (300 gr), butter (300 gr), vanillin.

    Soften the butter, add a little vanilla and a spoonful of condensed milk to it. Beat everything with a mixer, then add a few tablespoons of condensed milk, continue beating. Add a few tablespoons until you use all the condensed milk. Cream for "Napoleon", prepared according to this recipe, should turn out lush and have a uniform consistency. If desired, you can add cognac, any fruit liqueur, lemon juice or nuts to it.

    You can also deviate from the generally accepted recipe and, when preparing the Napoleon cake, replace the cream with applesauce with sugar. Or add coffee, cognac, whiskey, chocolate to the usual cream recipe. These minor additions can dramatically change the taste of such a familiar delicacy. Only through experiments you can get an unsurpassed result that will please you and your loved ones.

    Every housewife loves to pamper her household with delicious, refined and unusual pastries. Today, the cake can be considered a classic dessert, which is prepared not only on holidays. There are many different recipes, but the classic Napoleon cake with custard has been loved by everyone for several decades in a row. As you know, it is based on puff pastry cakes, but it is the cream that gives this pastry a special taste. Today we will talk about how to cook the most delicious and delicate custard for Napoleon.

    Delicious Napoleon cake with custard: the best recipe for a gourmet filling

    Many housewives prefer to grease cakes for Napoleon with classic custard. It is this taste of everyone's favorite cake that we have known since childhood. The traditional recipe, which is used by experienced confectioners, is very complex, and its preparation requires a lot of time and effort. However, modern housewives have simplified the recipe for custard a little, so it can be prepared as quickly as possible. And to taste, it does not differ in any way from the classic cream, which requires careful kneading and infusion.


    • milk (with a fat content of at least 2.5%) - 0.5 l;
    • granulated sugar - 200 g;
    • chicken eggs - 4-5 pcs.;
    • vanilla sugar (vanilla essence) - 5-10 g;
    • premium flour - 40-50 g.


    How to make vanilla custard for Napoleon cake?

    As already mentioned, every day the number of simplified and very tasty custard recipes is increasing. The hostesses come up with various options for preparing the famous classic cream. Let's take a look at how to make Napoleon's Vanilla Custard.


    • butter (softened) - 250 g;
    • powdered sugar - 250-300 g;
    • flour - 40 g;
    • vanillin.


    The recipe for the most delicate custard cream with a creamy taste

    To lubricate Napoleon cakes, you can make buttercream. It is prepared very simply and quite quickly.


    • chicken eggs (yolks) - 3 pcs.;
    • milk of any fat content - 300 ml;
    • granulated sugar - ½ tbsp.;
    • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • butter - 200 g.


    How to make custard with condensed milk?

    If you like condensed milk, then you should definitely try to cook the cream with its addition. The taste of the cream is very delicate and refined. Such a layer in the cake will surely please your household.


    • milk - 250 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 2 tsp;
    • softened butter - 100 g;
    • premium flour - 2 tsp;
    • condensed milk - 200 ml;
    • vanilla sugar or essence.


    1. Take a separate bowl and pour milk into it, add the sifted flour and granulated sugar.
    2. Mix all ingredients well.
    3. Put the whipped mass on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat.
    4. Do not forget to constantly stir the cream so that it does not burn.
    5. When the mixture has cooled to about 40 °, add well-softened butter to it.
    6. Whip all the ingredients using a mixer or blender.
    7. Then add condensed milk and vanilla sugar and mix everything thoroughly again.
    8. Custard with the addition of condensed milk is ready to eat.

    Napoleon with custard: recipe with photo

    The taste of the cake as a whole depends not only on the prepared cream, but also on the cakes. You can buy puff pastry blanks at the store and use them for the cake. But if you want to surprise your household with homemade pastries, then try baking a layered Napoleon with custard. In this recipe, we will consider in detail the method of preparing cakes. To prepare the cream, you can use any of the above recipes.


    • butter;
    • table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • premium flour - 225 g;
    • cold water - 150 ml.


    To make the cake very tasty and refined, use the advice of experienced confectioners:

    • knead the puff pastry well;
    • you can buy ready-made layers of puff pastry;
    • prepare the custard according to the rules, mixing it thoroughly until the desired consistency is obtained;
    • decorate the cake with nuts, dried fruits, fruits, powder, grated cakes, etc.

    Pamper your family and bake the most delicious Napoleon, loved by everyone since childhood. And the above custard recipes will help you create a truly confectionery masterpiece. Cook with pleasure!
