Custard cake at home. Custard cakes - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook custard cakes. Chocolate custard

Custard cake at home.  Custard cakes - the best recipes.  How to properly and tasty cook custard cakes.  Chocolate custard

Sometimes there comes a time when you have to put all your cards on the table and reveal secrets. And secrets may not be secrets at all, but ordinary lack of awareness. For example, many housewives simply have no idea how to cook choux pastry at home.

In fact, it is not as difficult and complicated as it seems, and they can even be baked for holidays or large feasts. Don't believe? Then just try to cook them at least once, and you will understand that you will no longer be able to refuse such a delicacy, and the recipe will help you with this.

There is no person who has never tried custard cakes with the mysterious name of profiteroles. However, if there are no such people, then there are a lot of those who have not yet tried to cook. It's time to fix this. The recipe is quite simple, and the number of ready-made profiteroles is impressive.

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 0.25 teaspoon salt.

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

How to make delicious custard cakes

  1. Take a saucepan and pour a glass of boiled water into it. Set it on fire
  2. While the water is heating, melt the butter in the microwave. It must be liquid.
  3. Liquid oil must be carefully poured into water, add salt and wait until the mixture boils. Then remove from the stove so that the mixture is not so hot.
  4. In the meantime, we take wheat flour, preferably of the highest grade, and sift it into a separate container.
  5. We fall asleep the sifted flour to the water and oil, which by that time will already be cold.
  6. We mix. It is necessary that the dough becomes homogeneous, and there are no lumps in the flour.
  7. We continue to cook. We put the dough on the stove for 2 minutes, while stirring constantly so that nothing burns. Then take it off the fire
  8. Whisk the eggs in a separate bowl. You don’t need to beat them to foam, the recipe does not require this.
  9. Carefully start pouring the eggs into the batter. In this case, you should constantly stir the dough. Ultimately, you should get a homogeneous mixture without lumps and bumps.
  10. Now we need to prepare everything for baking our cakes. Take a baking sheet and put a sheet of parchment on it.
  11. With the help of a culinary syringe or spoon, spread the dough on a baking sheet. Between future profiteroles, you need to leave a little space, because during cooking they will begin to expand and may stick together, and the recipe will not tolerate this.
  12. Bake the custards in a preheated oven for about 35 minutes. Temperature 180 degrees.
  13. While the custards are cooking, you can start making homemade cream. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Remove - it should cool down a bit.
  14. Pour flour, sugar, vanillin into a separate bowl and add the yolks separated from the protein.
  15. Knead a homogeneous mixture and send it to the milk.
  16. Beat with a mixer until smooth and put on the stove for about 5 minutes. All this time, the cream must be constantly stirred and ensure that it does not burn.
  17. Remove the cream from the heat and let it cool down and harden a little.
  18. With the cooled cream, we begin to fill the profiteroles. To do this, you need to make small holes in future cakes so that you can enter the cream.
  19. We collect the cream in a culinary syringe and fill the custard cakes with the filling through the hole.
  20. We serve ready-made cakes to the table.

Advice: as a filler for cakes, in addition to custard, you can also use butter cream, boiled condensed milk or chocolate. The filling recipe is very simple.

Such cakes scatter in a couple of seconds, because, having tried one, it is already impossible to stop.

Custard cakes on oatmeal

You can also try a new recipe and make no less delicious profiteroles on oatmeal. Their dough will be more dietary, and you can take boiled condensed milk as a filling.

A set of products for making dough

A set of products for making cream

  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • A little milk (in case the boiled condensed milk is too thick).

Cooking method

  1. We start cooking. Bring the oil, water and salt to a boil in a small saucepan.
  2. Pour into the boiling mixture, previously sifted oatmeal. Mix it and bring it to a boil.
  3. After the dough boils, you need to boil it a little. 2 minutes no more. Take it off when the dough starts to thicken.
  4. Transfer the dough from the pan to a bowl, where it needs to be stirred for 5-10 minutes.
  5. When the dough has cooled down a bit, you can mix in the eggs one by one. Mix well after each dough.
  6. Put the finished dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment. It is important to leave a small space between the cakes so that they do not stick together during cooking.
  7. We bake oatmeal profiteroles in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cooking time - 30 minutes.
  8. We remove the finished cakes from the baking sheet and make a small hole in each, then give them time to cool slightly.
  9. We prepare condensed milk. If it is too thick, dilute it with milk to such a state that it can be stuffed with cakes.
  10. We introduce cream through the hole in the finished cakes and serve. The recipe has been completed and the dish is ready!

Advice: as a filling for such profiteroles, you can use strawberry soufflé, butter cream or condensed milk. Recipe and choice for the hostess.

Such simple secrets are kept in a recipe for custard cakes. As it turned out, there is nothing terrible or mysterious about it. You just need to have the desire and desire to bake a delicious dessert at home, and then everything will definitely work out.

Bon Appetit!

12-14 servings

1 hour 30 minutes

277 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

Numerous recipes for custard cake and making profiteroles at home from different authors practically do not differ in anything. Unless the number of components increases or decreases depending on the planned output, but the ratio of products for the test remains unchanged.

The filling greatly affects both the taste and the cakes. I present simple, step-by-step recipes with photos of light creams for custards. This is a curd, custard and protein filler.

Choice of Ingredients

  • Butter for dough successfully replaces creamy margarine, which is not intended for making puff pastry.
  • Any cottage cheese is suitable for curd cream.
  • If powdered sugar is prescribed in the recipe, it is not recommended to replace it with granulated sugar.

Recipe for simple custard cakes in the form of a ring with curd cream

Saucepan, spatula, 2-3 bowls, blender, mixer, knife / pastry syringe, measuring container, tablespoon and teaspoon, pastry bag, baking paper.


Step by step preparation of custard rings

Making a dessert from choux pastry is concluded in stages independent of each other. They can be carried out at the same time, or you can bake profiteroles in the evening, and in the morning make a cream and fill them with cakes.

Before starting to work with the dough, you need to turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 200 ° C.

Brewing the dough

  1. In a convenient saucepan with a volume of 2-3 liters, pour 100 ml of cold water, 100 ml of milk, put a teaspoon of salt and 100 g of butter.

  2. Place on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. During this time, the butter, as a rule, should completely melt.

  3. Reduce the heat under the pan to a minimum and pour all the flour into the boiling mixture at once, while intensively kneading the mass with a spatula.

  4. Remove the pan from the burner and transfer the dough to a separate deep bowl so that it can cool to a warm state.

  5. In a slightly warm dough, beat in all five eggs one by one, intensively mixing the mass after adding each egg.

  6. The texture of the finished dough should not be thick or liquid, plastic and, flowing from the spatula, form a characteristic “triangle” - like the edge of a scarf.

We bake profiteroles

Cooking cream

Filling the rings with cream

The procedure for filling cakes with cream is carried out either with a sharp knife, cutting each ring lengthwise, or with a confectionery syringe, piercing the top of the ring at several points and squeezing the cream into the cake.

Video recipe for making custard cakes in the shape of a ring

I offer for viewing an excellent demo video of the recipe for making custard cakes with step-by-step preparation of cottage cheese cream, as well as the process of filling cakes with it.

By the same principle, they are baked and filled with any, including cottage cheese, cream.

Recipe for custard cake "Swan" with custard

Preparation time– 180 min.
Exit- 15 pcs.
Calories 100 g- 387 kcal
Kitchen utensils and equipment: deep saucepan, bowls, whisk, mixer, spatula, pastry bag, strainer, ladle, measuring cup.


Step by step making cakes "Swans"

They create swan figurines of custard cakes according to the classic recipe, filling them with creamy custard.

We make blanks

  1. Pour 125 ml of cold water and milk into a saucepan, add 2 teaspoons (10 g) of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon without a slide of salt and 125 g of melted butter.

  2. Set the mixture on a burner with medium heat and bring to a boil, then remove from the burner, immediately add 180 g (faceted glass) of sifted flour and knead well.

  3. Put it back on the burner and, with constant kneading, form a dense custard dough from the mass.

  4. Allow the mass to cool slightly and add 4 chicken eggs, driving in one at a time while constantly stirring the dough. You can work with a mixer or a wooden spatula.

  5. Fill a pastry bag with the finished dough and place on a baking sheet in the form of small oblong bars at a great distance from each other.

  6. Sprinkle the bars lightly with flour (the remaining 20 g) through a strainer and place the second, smaller one on top of the lower bar.

  7. Bake at 230°C for about 5 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180°C and bake for another 25-30 minutes.

  8. Change the nozzle and lay out the rest of the dough in the form of a question mark - these are the necks of swans. Bake at a temperature of 230 ° C for no more than three minutes.

Creamy custard

We form cakes

Video recipe for making custard cakes "Swans"

I offer a very detailed video about the production of cakes called French swans with a detailed display of the dessert preparation process and the technology for forming swan figurines.

Recipe for protein cream for custards

Cooking time- 10 min.
Exit– 460 g
calories- 166.8 kcal / 100 g
Kitchen utensils and equipment: mixer, whisk, measuring cup, container for cream, small saucepan.


Step by step preparation of light protein cream

To date, profiteroles can be bought at the grocery market and filled with absolutely any cream. Also, the custard dough recipe above can be used to bake the same profiteroles on your own, here I am only sharing the process of making a light, airy and extremely simple protein cream.

Video recipe for making protein cream for custards

I suggest watching a video about the technology of making protein cream. Also here the author clearly explains how to properly sample the syrup for the cream “on a string”.

Custard cakes are served at the tea table. Any options and methods of decoration are appropriate here - milk or chocolate fudge, icing and all kinds of caramel.

On the drive for making protein-custard, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for surprisingly light, airy, literally melting in your mouth. Their feature is extremely fast cooking, which does not burden the hostess with physical effort and saves the family budget.

Basic common truths

  • Before preparing any cream, the butter must be softened by removing it from the refrigerator, and the eggs, on the contrary, should be thoroughly cooled.
  • Before starting work, the dishes for the preparation of protein cream must be thoroughly dried!

This culinary portal contains many interesting, and most importantly, simple and budgetary recipes for making desserts. Ask. Its taste really resembles a Prague pie. And there is one surprisingly simple and probably the easiest to prepare.

If you liked my simple recipes for making custard cakes, leave your review at the bottom of the article. And do not forget to tell us what simple desserts you prefer to cook. Maybe your secrets will be useful to visitors of this culinary portal.

A light, tasty dessert familiar to many from childhood - custard cakes in the form of eclairs and profiteroles. This delicacy can be easily prepared at home. Below are several options for dough for custards and cream for filling them.

Classic cream for custards - based on egg white.

  • 100 gr butter;
  • 250 gr flour;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 35 grams of water;
  • 140 grams of sugar;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2-3 pinches of citric acid;
  • 50 gr dark chocolate.

First of all, in a saucepan you need to warm the water with oil and salt. As soon as it begins to boil, remove from heat and add flour, mix very quickly with a spoon to form a dough.

When the dough is well off the dishes, leave it to cool for a few minutes. After that, we introduce eggs one by one, continuously kneading the dough with a mixer.

With the help of a pastry bag, lay out oblong strips of dough on the prepared baking sheet so that there is space between them - the eclairs will rise and may stick together if they are close together. If you plan to bake profiteroles, then spread the dough with a ball using oiled teaspoons.

We bake at 200 degrees. within 10 minutes. Then reduce the fire to 180 degrees. and bake for another 15 minutes. Let cool and then either fill with cream or put in a tightly closed container in which you can store pastries for several days.

We prepare the cream as follows - mix sugar with water and boil slowly. In the meantime, beat egg whites and acid well. The sugar syrup should dissolve well and become a little thick. When beating, the protein mass increases several times, becomes fluffy and snow-white. Pour the syrup into the protein mass in a thin stream, constantly whisking with a mixer. Using a pastry syringe, fill profiteroles or eclairs with cream through a small incision in baking.

Melt the chocolate on the stove and apply with a silicone brush on pastries.

Sweet cake for tea drinking is ready.

Important! The dough should be immediately kneaded in hot water, not allowing the liquid to cool. Then it will work for sure.

With curd filling

The dough is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 150 gr flour;
  • 125 gr milk;
  • 125 mg water;
  • 100 gr plums. oils;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ½ tsp. l. Sahara.

The filling consists of the following products:

  • 200 gr of medium fat cottage cheese;
  • 140 gr sugar. powders;
  • 200 gr sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon l. vanilla sugar.

The process of making custard dough is similar to the previous version of making dessert. Next, fill a pastry bag with dough and plant round profiteroles on a baking sheet. The balls should be equal in size to a walnut - during baking they increase at least twice. The distance between them should be 4-5 cm. We bake at 190 degrees. in a slightly open oven for half an hour - the profiteroles should brown.

As for the filling, it is prepared as follows:

  1. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl and work with a submersible blender to make the mass smoother and more homogeneous.
  2. Add powdered sugar, again work well with a blender.
  3. Sour cream is added at the end. Together with it, everything is whipped again for several minutes - the cream will turn out to be very gentle and light.

As soon as the profiteroles have cooled, we make small holes from the bottom and fill them with cream using a pastry syringe.

As a decoration, cakes can be sprinkled with powder.

With condensed milk

Prepare the dough for custard cakes in advance, then bake cakes from it.

We offer the following cream based on condensed milk:

  • drain. oil - 250 gr;
  • condensed milk with sugar or boiled product - 360 gr;
  • vanilla - 2 gr.

The cream is prepared very quickly - beat all the ingredients well enough with a mixer. Then it is poured into a confectionery syringe, filled with ready-made cakes and sent to the refrigerator - the dough will be slightly soaked with the filling. The cream in the cold will dry up a little and thicken thanks to the oil.

On a note. To check the readiness of the bun, lightly tap the baked eclair / profiterole with a wooden stick: the finished pastry is hollow inside, has a hardened ruddy crust, when tapping there will be a slight hollow sound.

With butter cream

To prepare the buttercream, you will need a few products.

  • butter packaging;
  • can of condensed milk.

We bake empty eclairs from custard dough in advance according to any recipe.

We take the butter out of the refrigerator an hour before preparing the cream so that it becomes soft at room temperature - so it will be more convenient to work with it. Next, beat the butter with condensed milk with a mixer until smooth and fill the molds with a pastry syringe. We spread it on a wide flat dish and let it brew in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes.

On a note. To obtain a golden crust on products before baking, grease them with a thin layer of melted butter.

Cream variant

For buttercream you will need the following products:

  • cream from 33% - 200 gr;
  • sugar - 2.5 table. l.;
  • vanillin - a quarter tea. l.

Whip the cream to stiff peaks, gradually increasing the speed. Then add sugar and vanilla and beat at medium speed. Simple, airy and delicious cream is ready to use. Buns stuffed with butter cream can be served immediately to the table, if desired, smeared with melted chocolate or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Option one:

  • water - 200 gr;
  • margarine - 200 gr;
  • flour - 200 gr;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • salt - a couple of pinches.

Option two:

  • 1 stack flour;
  • 125 gr plums. oils;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 stack waters;
  • a quarter tea l. salt.

Option three (according to GOST):

  • 200 gr flour;
  • 100 gr plums. oils;
  • 300 g of egg mass (approximately 6 units of the 1st category or 5 units of the 2nd);
  • 180 grams of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

First of all, water with butter / margarine, salt is brought to a boil. Flour is poured into the boiling liquid and quickly stirred - the saucepan at this moment, respectively, should not stand on the stove. The resulting lump cools a little so that it becomes warm.

Eggs are beaten separately, then gradually poured into the dough. The mass is constantly rubbed with a whisk, then you can use a mixer so that there are definitely no lumps in the dough.

With a tablespoon dipped in water, or a confectionery sleeve, lay out the profiteroles / eclairs. Bake until cooked - at 190 degrees. within half an hour.

It is somewhat more difficult to do than other types, but still it is a completely feasible task.

Unfortunately, many are stopped by the fear of failure, which is very bad. So, where should you start mastering the recipe for custard cake at home?

First of all, you need to prepare the cream, because at the last stage of preparation it should already be cooled down. For this reason, it's a good idea to start making the cream a few hours before you start working on the custard dough.

The best custard recipes offer a classic cream for eclairs - custard. It is very easy to make and requires eggs, sugar, cream, butter and cornstarch.

How to make such a cream?

In a medium bowl, whisk together five egg yolks, 1/4 cup cornstarch, 1/4 cup sugar, and a pinch of salt.

Heat 2 cups cream and 1/4 cup sugar over medium heat until the mixture starts to boil. Slowly whisk the warmed cream with the egg yolk mixture. Take your time - if you do this too quickly, the eggs will boil and you'll have to start over.

Then pour the mixture back into the saucepan. Stir constantly until small bubbles on the surface begin to burst. In addition, the formation of lumps must be prevented.

Strain the cream into a large bowl. A metal sieve will remove all lumps and finally make sure that your cream is smooth and uniform.

Then put four tablespoons of butter into the mixture and one tablespoon. You can replace the extract with vanilla seeds for a richer and more intense flavor. You can also experiment with other extracts and flavors, such as almonds or coffee. Wrap a layer of cling film over the top of the cream and refrigerate until completely cold. The plastic film on the top of the dish prevents the formation of a crust on the surface. Of course, if you use the cream as an independent dessert, its dried surface, judging by the reviews, even seems tasty to many, but when it is supposed to be a filling in a custard cake (recipe at home), it is better to keep the cream homogeneous.

Chocolate glaze

The chocolate top looks very nice and is easy to make by following the custard recipe at home. To do this, place 1/2 cup semi-sweet or chopped chocolate in a bowl. Heat 1/2 cup heavy cream over medium heat until it starts to boil. Pour hot cream over chocolate.

Let the mixture sit for about five minutes. Then stir it until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Custard cake - culinary recipes for dough

The most difficult thing in making custard cakes, judging by the reviews, is to make the right dough. Heat mixture: 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup unsalted butter, 2 tablespoons sugar over medium heat in a medium saucepan.

Once this mass reaches a boil, add one cup of flour at once. Stir constantly until the mixture begins to pull away from the sides of the pan, forming a ball in the center. Remove it from heat and refrigerate for three minutes.

Stir and add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Beat three large whole eggs and two additional large egg whites. Separate addition of proteins will allow the final product to dry and brown better. Obviously, no one wants to eat raw eclairs with wet dough. You can beat the eggs by hand with a wooden spoon, or you can use a mixer (optional).

Forming custard cakes - recipe

How to make beautiful eclairs? Use a large bag with a round cut in the corner or with a thick nozzle to squeeze the batter onto parchment paper spread out on a baking sheet. If you want to make homemade mini eclair choux pastries, make dough strips no more than 5 cm long. For larger cakes, extrude 10-15 cm pieces of dough. Then dampen your fingers with clean water and gently flatten the eclairs before baking them.

Bake custard cakes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. The high temperature will help create a rapid steam buildup that makes the dough flaky. Reduce the heat to 150 degrees and bake for another 30 minutes, until the eclairs are crisp and golden brown.

Cut off one end of each brownie with a knife. This allows the steam to escape and prevents the dough from becoming too wet. Cool items to room temperature. If you really want to make sure the dough is completely dry, you can put them back in the warm oven after turning it off. You can store empty eclairs in an airtight container for one day.

How to fill cakes

Use a bag with a small hole in the side or to fill chilled cakes with cream. Dip the top of each brownie into the melted chocolate. You can add some melted white chocolate to create a pattern over the dark one, but this is not necessary. A classic custard cake (recipe at home) may also include sugar icing instead of chocolate.

Now it's time to show your delicious creations to your friends and family. Once you've completely made your first eclairs yourself, you'll approach baking with a new level of confidence and feel ready for much bigger fantasies. And the reviews of the hostesses are proof of this.

How can I supplement the recipe

Once you learn how to make the classic custard recipe at home, you can experiment in a variety of ways. Try baking the dough in the shape of an egg, for example. In addition, you can make round-shaped cakes (profiteroles), from which, if desired, you can make a Croquembush cake.

If you want to make brownies from scratch, always make the cream first, preferably the day before, because it needs to cool completely before you start filling the dough with it.

Dough eclairs can be baked ahead of time. You should cool them completely and store them in a bag or plastic container with a closed lid. Care must be taken not to crush or flatten them. They can be stored for several days, or you can freeze them for up to a month.

Eclairs are best eaten right away when freshly filled with cream, but they continue to be delicious for a day or two. This, of course, also applies to tubes without cream, covered only with glaze.

When the recipe for homemade custard comes down to using possible flavors and toppings, you can get creative. Custard can be supplemented in various ways and ingredients: white, milk or dark chocolate, syrup, vanilla, instant coffee, caramel, pistachios, fresh raspberries. With a strong desire, you can come up with many variations. Same thing with a coating: the classic glaze is more familiar, but why not add some fresh, finely chopped fruit, nuts, or confectionery sprinkles to it? Cakes will look even more attractive and festive.

I confess, despite the fact that I love not only to feast on eclairs, but I also love to cook these custard cakes, I am still at the very beginning of my acquaintance with them! And all because there are so many options for this dessert that if we set ourselves the task of preparing one of the versions of eclairs every day, then even in a year we will not come close to half of this list!

The basis of the cake is choux pastry. After baking, it becomes thin and crispy. This is the advantage of custard dough. How do I prepare it?

But today I decided to try the classic version: use both water and milk in the dough. This is how French confectioners prepare eclairs, so the recipe is worth a try.

I will need these ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 200 gr;
  • Sl. oil - 100 gr;
  • Large eggs - 5 pcs. (Attention! It’s not even important how many pieces, but the fact that the weight of eggs without shell should be 300 grams!);
  • Water - 80 gr;
  • Milk - 100 gr;
  • Salt - a pinch.

How to cook custard cakes (step by step recipe with photos)

I put a saucepan with butter (100 g) and salt (a generous pinch of about 0.5 tsp without a slide) on fire.

The butter is just starting to melt, I add water (100 g) and milk (80 g) to the saucepan. I stir the mixture occasionally.

Water with melted butter should boil. And immediately, I pour all the flour into the water - 200 g (I sift it first).

I mix the dough until it sticks together and turns into one lump. When a crust forms on the bottom of the saucepan, boil the dough, stirring it constantly, for about 2 more minutes.

I remove the dough from the heat, transfer it to another saucepan so that it cools faster to 60-70 degrees.

Beat the eggs lightly with a whisk.

Pour the egg mixture into the dough. I do this in several steps. Each time after adding the eggs, beat the dough well in a mixer until smooth.

I also like this approach because I clearly monitor the consistency of the dough.
If the eggs are exactly 300 grams, then there should be no problems. But, if their weight is not known, then it is necessary to focus on the density of the dough. It may not be necessary to add all of the egg mixture to prevent the dough from spreading later in the oven. The finished custard dough should drain from the spoon with a thick ribbon, forming a “triangle”, this can be seen in the photo:

Forming the base for the cake

Although it is believed that a classic eclair should be 14 cm, but I prefer a variety of shapes. I can make round cakes, like profiteroles, I can make oblong sticks, or just make oval custards.
I spread the dough with a pastry bag. But right away I want to tell everyone who has not yet acquired such a kitchen device that you can use a simple spoon, then the shape will be round.

Or, cut off the bottom of the mayonnaise bag. Here you have a great alternative to a confectionery syringe (bag). Create any shape, even rings, even sticks, even balls, like for a croquembush cake!

We plant the eclairs on a baking sheet covered with parchment, Teflon sheet or oiled.
Today I decided to deposit the narrowest and most accurate eclairs, so they turned out like this:

By the way, when cutting eclairs, it is convenient to use kitchen scissors! Simply cut off the end of the dough when the strip is squeezed out, so the "tails" of the eclairs will be neat!

Custard baking

Do not forget, baking, the pies will become porous inside. And outside they will grow in size very much. Therefore, I place them at a decent distance from each other.
First, I put a baking sheet with blanks in an oven preheated to 210 degrees. At this temperature, eclairs will bake for 10 minutes.
Reduce the degrees to 180. And leave the cakes for another 25-35 minutes in the oven.

Attention! How long eclairs will stand in the oven depends on their size. For small custards, 20 minutes is enough.

My today's "slender" eclairs were cooked for 15 minutes.

My Conclusion on Adding Milk to Dough

If you replace the water in the recipe with milk, then you need about the same amount of milk as water. In the preparation of the test itself, nothing changes either. As a result, the cakes are tender and soft. I didn’t notice much difference with eclairs cooked entirely in water, but many hostesses are used to milk dough - and prefer this particular recipe!

The only thing I would not advise doing is to completely replace the water with milk, in this case the dough turns out to be a little rubbery.

I talked about the classic custard dough. Let's move on to cream.

Delicate buttercream for eclairs

I am happy to prioritize Italian buttercream. It seems to me that it is in this performance that eclairs are truly interesting. This "composition" takes me back to my childhood.

Cream Ingredients:

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs. (large or medium eggs);
  • Butter - 275 gr;
  • Sugar - 90 gr;
  • Water - 30 ml.
  1. Sugar (50 gr) and water put on fire. I'm making syrup. I bring the temperature of the syrup to 116 degrees (this is easy to determine with a candy thermometer or by making a thread test. Readiness can be checked in another way. If you drop the syrup into cold water and you can knead this drop with your fingers, then the syrup is ready and can be removed from the heat.
  2. I beat the eggs and 40 grams of sugar into a light foam.
  3. I add the eggs to the syrup and stir constantly. At the end, beat in a thick shiny foam to hard peaks.
  4. While whipping, the mass cools down. When it becomes room temperature, I add oil in small pieces (I take the oil from the refrigerator half an hour before preparing the cream so that it warms up and becomes soft). Without stopping, I knock down until all the oil is in the cream. I bring to a homogeneous consistency.

Filling eclairs with cream

I boldly cut the eclair blanks into halves. I fill one half with cream (I first put the cream in a pastry bag, but you can also use a spoon). I cover with the second half and fasten them.

It remains to prepare the icing, which we pour on top of the cakes. For me it will be chocolate ganache.
To prepare it I will need:

  • Chocolate (it is better to take bitter) - 100 gr;
  • Cream (35%) - 110 ml.

I break the chocolate into pieces and pour it with warmed cream. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Or vice versa, I spread pieces of chocolate in hot cream. By the way, this photo shows what kind of cream and chocolate I use for ganache.

Now you can pour or dip the eclairs in ganache (after standing in the refrigerator for about an hour). Prick with a fork and dip the eclairs, or brush the top with a pastry brush.

This is exactly what I love so much. My taste!
Well, now, let me show you how varied the taste of the cream can be!

We are looking for our own version of cream for custard cakes

I already talked about custard in a separate step-by-step recipe, you can follow the link at the beginning of the article. Cakes with this cream are tender and tasty.

I am sure that all of you have tried custard cakes with a variety of fillings more than once. Have you already decided on a taste that fully corresponds to your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappy minutes of life? Let me introduce you to some healthy, in my opinion, options!

Protein cream for eclairs

  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr;
  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

I beat the whites at room temperature, gradually adding sugar. Add lemon juice and beat until stiff peaks. If you are afraid of raw proteins, you can make protein cream on Swiss meringue (in this method, proteins with sugar are heated in a water bath, while sterilized, and only then beaten with a mixer to stiff peaks). In the Swiss meringue version, make sure that the bowl in which the proteins are located does not touch the water in the saucepan, otherwise the mass will overheat.

Soft chocolate cream

  • Chocolate - 100 gr;
  • Oil - 150 gr;
  • Cream - 100 ml;
  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr;
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • Gelatin -10 gr;
  • Water - 30 ml;
  • Starch - 30 gr.
  1. I soak the gelatin in water.
  2. I grind the yolks with powder and starch.
  3. I bring milk to a boil. I bring yolks. And I keep it on the stove until the mass thickens.
  4. I add gelatin to the milk-yolk mass. I mix and let cool.
  5. I whip cream with butter.
  6. I melt the chocolate and mix it with cream.
  7. I add the chocolate mass to the milk mixture that has cooled to 45 degrees. I mix until smooth. Cream is ready!

Cream of butter and condensed milk

  • Oil - 200 gr;
  • Condensed milk - 400 gr.

Beat the butter well until it becomes fluffy. Add condensed milk in a thin stream and beat until smooth. When the mass becomes lush, the cream is ready.
Do not forget about ideal for any dessert and. Both of these creams are on my site! And of course, custard! This is a classic! And I already talked about her. What can you say about curd cream? After all, you can add any berry to it, and then the eclairs will acquire a completely new taste and bright color! Great option for a kids party. The only thing missing is a bright glaze. That's what we're talking about now!

Icing for cake

Of course, the icing is ready to compete with both the cream and the base of the custard cake in terms of its significance and taste. She not only successfully masks the cut in the pie, which we made to fill it with cream. The icing decorates the eclair with both taste and color.

Chocolate glaze

  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Water - 3 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tsp
  1. I mix cocoa and sugar.
  2. I add water and put on a small fire.
  3. I mix constantly. A minute after the bubbles appeared, I remove the icing from the heat, add the butter and let it cool and thicken a little.

berry glaze

  • Strawberries (raspberries or currants) - 100 gr;
  • Sugar - 200 gr;
  • Water - 1-2 tbsp.
  1. I wash the berries, peel them and lay them out on a towel to dry.
  2. In a blender, I get puree from berries.
  3. I pass the berries through a sieve to remove the seeds.
  4. I sift the powder and mix it with berry puree. Add boiled water and stir the icing until the powdered sugar is completely dissolved.

The icing can be caramel or chocolate cream, coffee or rum. It will give the dessert a bright look and taste, and you will have a lot of impressions!

And now a little about the variations of eclairs. On the eve of Lent, I will tell you how to cook them without animal products.

Lenten eclairs

Now I will surprise you with a recipe in which butter is replaced with vegetable oil. And no eggs at all!


  • Flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • Boiling water - 200 ml;
  • Oil rast. - 200 ml;
  • dough baking powder;
  • Sugar
  • Salt - a pinch.

How to cook:

  1. I mix salt with flour, sugar and baking powder.
  2. I put water on fire. When it boils, I add oil.
  3. I add flour to the water. I mix. I take it off the fire.
  4. Once the dough has cooled, knead for 10 minutes until smooth.
  5. I let the dough stand for 20 minutes and knead it well again.
  6. I bake in the same way as eclairs according to the classic recipe.

And that's not all! Imagine how just 3 tablespoons of cocoa can decorate a dish! It will be chocolate eclairs! You can also use spices in the dough. For example, vanillin, coriander or cinnamon! I can say a lot about the dough, but I want to leave a little space for your imagination so that you yourself try to find your own version.

Of course, there are many other types of glaze, cream, eclair dough.
But there is something that you definitely need to know and take into account if you want your eclairs to turn out!

A video on how to prepare choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles is on our You Tube channel:

So that custard cakes always turn out

Each recipe has small conditions that can turn a dish into a masterpiece!
Recommendations and secrets:

  1. Water with oil is boiled until the oil is completely dissolved.
  2. Flour must be sifted before being added to water (or milk)
  3. Eggs must be added to the dough, which has already been removed from the heat and cooled to t 60-70 C.
  4. The temperature of eggs for the test should not be lower than room temperature.
  5. Even if you are sure that you have exactly 300 grams of eggs, do not immediately pour them into the dough to control its density.
  6. The oven must be preheated before you are done with the dough. It is better not to keep the finished dough for a long time, but immediately put it to bake.
  7. The cream must be prepared immediately before use.

And the final touch. I talked a lot about the variety of flavors. And now I have to give the main direction. The fact is that you can improvise yourself, coming up with new recipes for this delicious dessert. But, before filling the eclair and decorating it with icing, check their combination. Perhaps you will discover an interesting version of your favorite dish. But it can also happen that separately the cream and icing are perfect. But together they do not form a duet.
And further! You know, eclairs are undeservedly spoken of only as a dessert. It's a pity. After all, unsweetened dough can be stuffed with pate, shrimp or even vegetable puree. And it can serve as a wonderful appetizer for a buffet table. Add the appropriate sauce instead of glaze to the dish, and you are in for a discovery again!
Surprise yourself and your loved ones! Believe me, there is something!

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